Barcelona School of Economics
7th European Search and Matching Network (SaM)
A Dynamic Economic and Monetary Union
A New Approach to Estimate the Effects of Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy
Academic Council
Admissions Events
Advances in Econometrics
Advances in Micro Development Economics
Advances in Structural Shocks Identification
Alumni Career Paths: Economics of Energy, Climate Change, and Sustainability
Alumni Community
Analyzing Conflict from Space
Annual Report
Applied Industrial Organization
Asset Prices, Finance and Macroeconomics
Assortative Mating and Joint Income Dynamics of Couples
Board of Trustees
Brand kit
BSE Data Science Center
BSE Lecture Series
BSE Summer Forum
Calvó-Armengol International Prize in Economics
Career Services
Causal Effects of Early Interventions on Child Health and Cognitive Development
Children’s Health, Well-being, and Human Capital Formation
Choice and Morality
Commitment to Quality
Committees and Academic Council
Computational and Experimental Economics
Consumer Search and Switching Costs
Coordinating against the Mafia: Experimental Evidence from an anti-Racket Policy in Sicily
Coordination and Social Interaction
Corporate and Institutional Collaboration | Barcelona School of Economics
COVID-19 Economics
Data Science for Economics
Data Science Workshops
DataResSS (Data for Research in Social Sciences)
Digital Economics
Economic Fluctuations, Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Policies
Economic Growth and Fluctuations
Economics of Science and Innovation
Economy-wide Market Power
Executive Education
Executive education admissions
Expectations in Dynamic Macroeconomic Models
External Validity, Generalizability and Replicability of Economic Experiments
External Validity, Generalizability and Replicability of Economic Experiments
Financial Intermediation and Risk
Financial Shocks, Channels, and Macro Outcomes
Firms in a Changing Background: New Technologies, Climate Change, and Other Developments
Firms in the Global Economy
Forecasting Political and Economic Crisis: Social Science Meets Machine Learning
Fractional Brownian Motion and Rough Models
Geography, Economic Policy and Political Structure
Geography, Trade, and Growth
High-dimensional Statistics and Random Structures
How to apply to Summer School
In-company Training
Income Dynamics and the Family
Inequality, Political Instability, and Long-Term Development
Inflation and Wellbeing
Information Frictions in Financial Markets: Applications to Macro and Finance
Information Frictions: Applications, Theories and Tests
International Finance and Macroeconomics
La Caixa-Severo Ochoa International Doctoral Fellowships
Labor Market Effects of Selective Immigration Policies
Law and Economics
Machine Learning for Economics
Macro Fluctuations with Micro Frictions
Macroeconometrics and Policy Evaluation
Macroeconomics and Finance
Macroeconomics and Social Insurance
Master Degree in Data Science
Master Degree in Specialized Economic Analysis
Master’s degrees admissions
Masters degrees
Microeconometrics and Policy Evaluation
Monetary Policy and Central Banking
Networks in Macroeconomics and Trade
Next week’s research events
Organizational Economics
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Partner Institutions
PhD Programs
PhD Studies in Data Science
Policy Evaluation in Health
Political Economy
Political Economy and Public Economics
Political Institutions
Preferences, Bounded Rationality, and Strategic Interactions
Public Economics
Refugee wellbeing
Research Awards and Projects
Research grants
Research Job Openings
Research Partnerships
Research Reports: ‘la Caixa’ Foundation Grants
Research videos
Rise of Intangibles: Implications for Technology Diffusion, Firm Dynamics, and Aggregate Outcomes
Safety, Liquidity, and the Macroeconomy
Scientific Council
Severo Ochoa Research Excellence Accreditation
Site map
Social Insurance and Economic Growth
Stabilization Policies and Growth: A Keynesian Growth Perspective
Stochastic Choice
Structural Microeconometrics
Study Competition, Markets, and Regulation at the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
Study Data Science at the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
Study Macroeconometrics at the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
Study Microeconometrics at the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
Summer Forum Media Center 2017
Summer Forum Media Center 2018
Summer Forum Media Center 2019
Summer school
Thank you: we will keep you informed
The Economic and Political Effects of Espionage
The Effects of Firm-Level Uncertainty on Firm Employment Decisions
The Macroeconomics of Labor Markets
The Political Economy of Globalization
Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics
Time Series Econometrics and Applications for Macroeconomics and Finance
Towards Sustained Economic Growth: The Role of Geography, Institutions, and Culture
Transparency Portal
Uncertainty in Macro and Finance
Understanding Risk and Time Preferences
Understanding the Determinants of Regulatory Complexity
Upcoming BSE research community events
Use of cookies
Worker Reallocation, Occupational Mismatch, and Business Cycles